Sabtu, 23 November 2019

English Language Needs

English Language Needs for Students in the Department of Technic Informatics and Computer Education

Alfitri Maulina            (2317075)

Dosen Mata Kuliah:
Hilma Pami Putri, M.Pd

TA 2018/2019


As we know English is a language that has been established as an international language. And as we know, the needs of the world community for mastering English are increasingly rapid. Even in some countries, English is used as a second language after the national language. In other countries, this language is used as a national language given the heterogeneity of the tribe and its population and English is considered to be the only unifying tool. In era of globalization and information, Indonesian nations in demand are able to complete with other nations in various fields of life.

Subjective needs (found through participants’ likes and reports) and objective needs (found through objective measures such as tests/interviews etc)
·         ‘a gap between current state of affairs and future state of affairs’
·         Desires demands, expectations, constraints
Planning an ESL curriculum should seek to ‘enable students to critically examine and become active in shaping their own roles in it’ Richards, 2001.
Studying English is an important capital for vocational students to answer some or various challenges in their professional world. In this paper I put forward the title, namely, English Language Needs for Students in the Department of Informatics Technic and Computer Education (PTIK) and I will use the theory of Need Analysis. According to the study of Ramani & Pushpanathan (2015) found that it is important to understand how students perceive their English needs by identifying student backgrounds and the factors that cause changes in their language needs. It is considered important to be used as constructive information in preparing the learning curriculum. Based on excerpts from Ramani & Pushpanathan's research, needs analysis plays an important role in teaching due to needs. For this reason researchers were motivated to carry out an analysis of English language needs for students from the Informatics and Computer Engineering Education Department (PTIK) at Bukittinggi IAIN. Analysis of student needs will be the initial focus in designing and developing teaching material.
From the research that i did, many of them had difficulties with vocabulary and writting that did not match and some also said that pronounciation was difficult. In English courses they do not use english as a communication tool, and occasionally use english only when there are assignments.


According to Katz-Haas, is really about defining who the users are, defining their tasks and goals, their experience levels, what functions they want and need from a system, what information they want and need and understanding how the users think the system should work. User-centered design has also been linked to the identification of required job performance skills, the assessment of prospective trainees’ skills and the development of objectives.
The first step in any user centered design process is to understand the user’s needs.  Put simply, whereas requirements analysis focuses on the elements needed to be represented in the system, needs analysis focuses on the requirements related to the goals, aspirations and needs of the users and/or the user community and feeds them into the system requirement analysis process. The main purpose of needs analysis is the user’s satisfaction.  As it focuses on the needs of the human, needs analysis is not limited to addressing the requirements of just software, but can be applied to any domain, such as automotive, consumer product or services such as banking. Although it is not a business development tool, it can be used to help in the development of a business case. We can identify the customers needs by three ways:
  1. Client request,
  2. Modification of an existing design,
  3. Generation of new product.
Needs analysis involves doing some kind of activity with a learner in order to find out what their learning needs are. A good understanding of learner needs can contribute to successful course planning. Needs analysis is part of building learner awareness and autonomy. Asking learners what they feel they need to practise is a good initial step. As well as providing data, it can encourage them to start thinking about their learning and taking responsibility for it.
According to Abstract from Prayogo Hadi Sulistio, Need analysis becomes the major point of ESP course design because it plays as major source of information about the students’ wants, needs, and lacks. This study is aimed at investigating language needs for Physics students. In order to collect the data, researchers used questionnaire which was administered to thirty students of Indraprasta PGRI University which were randomly chosen. The data was put into three categories; general needs, academic needs, and job needs. The result shows that listening to the radio and songs is the most important need and writing private letters is the least important need in term of general needs, doing presentation in front of the class becomes the most important need and taking notes in lectures is the least important need in term of academic needs, reading written or printed materials related to the job is the least important need and taking training course related to the job, writing application letter and CV and conversing with English-speaking colleagues are the most important needs in term of job needs.
According to the book Language Curriculum Design, Needs analysis is directed mainly at the goals and content of a course. It examines what the laerners know already and what they need to know. Needs analysis makes sure that the course will contain relevant and useful things to learn. Good needs analysis involves asking the right questions and finding the answers in the most effective way. The various focuses of Needs Analysis according to Hutchinson and Waters (1987) divide needs into target needs and learning needs. The analysis of target needs can look at :
·         Necessities                        : What the student need ?
·         Wants                    : What do the learners wish to learn ?
·         Lacks                     : What do the learners lack ?
Another way to look at needs is to make a major division between present knowledge and required knowledge, and objective needs and subjective needs. Very roughly, lacks fit into present knowledge, Necessities fit into required knowledge, and wants fit into subjective needs. Information about objective needs can be gathered by questionnaires, personal interviews, data collection, observation, informal consultation with teachers and learners, and test. Subjective needs are discovered thriugh learner self assessment using list and scales, and questionnaires and interviews.
Ongoing needs analysis during the course can make use of the pyramid procedure (Jordan,1990). That is, the learners can be given a series of items that may describe their wants. They choose and rank these individually andthen in pairs or fours, and finally as a group. When they report their ranking to the teacher, they also note the points that they individually ranked highly but could not gain group support for. This will help the teacher in plannig a class program as well as arranging individualised or small group work. Discovering needs is suggests a range of methods for discovering needs. It is organised around necessities, lacks and wants. Needs  analysis is a kind of assessment and thus can be evaluated by considering its reliability, validity and practicality. Reliable needs analysis involves using well thought out, standardised tools that are applied systematically. Rather than just observing people performing tasks that learners will have to do after the course, it is better to systematise the observation by using a checklist, or by recording and apply standardised analysis procedures. The more pieces of observation and the more people who are studied, the more reliable the result.
Valid needs analysis involves looking at what is relevant and important. Consideration of the type of need that is being looked at and the type of information that is being gathered is important. Before needs analysis begins it may be necessary to do a ranking activity to decide what type of need should get priority in the nedds analysis investigation. The worst decision would be to let practically dominate by deciding to investigate what is easiest to investigate. Practical needs analysis is not expensive, does not occupy too much of the learners and teacher time, provides clear, easy to understand result and can easily be incorporated into the curriculum design process. Needs analysis makes sure that a course will be relevant and satisfying to the learners. This is such a basic requirement that it is worth giving careful thought to needs analysis procedures. To neglect them is to run the risk of producing a course that does not meet the needs of its users. Need analysis makes sure the course meets the learners needs. Environment analysis looks at the way the course needs to fit the situation in which it occurs. Good needs analysis thus covers a range of needs using a range of datgetting tools. Needs are not always clear and are always changing so it is important that needs are looked at from a variety of perspectives at a variety of times. The time of needs analysis can include needs analysis before a course begins, needs analysis in the initial stages of a course, and ongoing needs analysis during the running of the course. If a course is to be repeated with different learners, then needs analysis at the end of a course is useful. By analyzing what people do will tell us a little what they are learning. For this reason, ESP does not only focus on what must be known or done, but focuses on what must be learned in language learning. To find out the lessons needed by students we must first know the learning situation, the learning situation is the need for a task that is fun, satisfying, managed, generative, etc. In learning-oriented approach, needs analysis is based on what students need from the target situation.
Typology of needs :
ü  Target needs/product-related needs (what (language skills) the learners need to do in the target situation)
ü  Learning needs /process-related needs (what the learner needs to do in order to learn or what the learner needs to do to reach his learning objectives

Food for thought
ü  Not all language learners are aware of their needs
ü  In EFL high school contexts, students may not have immediate needs;
ü  The curriculum relies on administrators and educators as well as students’ Perceived and Present needs as well as potential and unrecognised needs

Users of needs analysis
ü  Curriculum officers in the ministry of education
ü  Teachers of the new curriculum
ü  Learners taught in the curriculum
ü  Writers writing new textbooks
ü  Trainers responsible for designing training programs-private institutes 

The results of the study along with the Discussion
From the research I did to informatics and computer engineering education students, many of them said that English was difficult. Starting from a difficult vocabulary, which is not recognized and what is read does not match the written word.
Of all the students I asked, many of them experienced difficulties in vocabulary and pronounciation. At the time of my second question about whether when learning English they used English as a communication tool, and the answers from them varied, some said yes and some said no. There are also those who use English only when getting assignments. And in the third question, do you think that English plays an important role in your current department, and their answers are very important. in this case, I found a desire and need for students from Informatics and computer department, they needed a lotof vocabulary knowledge recently, because their lessons had a tool called a computer and so many English vocabulary in a computer, even on most computers using English Languange. Lost of programming languages and tools that are free and open source so that it can make us hesitant to choose them because indeed the solutions offered are very good and interesting. There are also many programming languages and paid tools that actually make it easier for us to use them and there are many technical things handled by these paid tools.
One disadvantage of programmers who do not speak English as their native language is that they are lazy to read articles or other solutions in English. Though the majority of manuals and documentation are written in English. In Addition, the intermediate level learning content up to advance are written in English. English plays an important role. Although programmers only reach the passive level, they only use it for reading needs. English is also a standard language for communicating with clients or fellow programmers from other parts of the world (As long as they can speak English).
Nation, I.S.P, Macalister John, Language Curriculum Design


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